Quasi-adiabatic (QA) FF

The quasi-adiabatic (QA) force field is non-Hamiltonian, and is based on the idea of switchable contacts. The algorithm has three components in total:

  1. For the non-local pairs not in contact, we check whether they satisfy the _ formation criteria_, and if they do, they are added to the list of candidate contacts. Whether the residues separated by 3 others should be included is controllbed with the include separated by 3 setting.

  2. For the non-local pairs in contact, we evaluate the potential resulting from the contact, and check if the contact satisfies the breaking criteria. If the contact is completely desaturated, we mark them as removed.

  3. Sequentially, we remove the marked contacts, and process the candidates ( in the order of increasing distances) by checking whether the contact can actually be formed, and if so, adding it to the list of contacts.

The split of pre-checking the formation criteria in parallel and doing it again sequentially later on a sifted list is done so as to ensure determinism of the algorithm without the checking becoming a bottleneck, assuming the candidate contacts are few in number. As will be shown later, the formation and breaking of contacts affects the creation of new contacts.


For a given simulation step, the contacts formed in that step do not participate in the evaluation of the potential in the same step. Rather, sequential processing is done after the asynchronous part of the simulation step, which contains the potential evaluation.


When contact is formed or broken, it does not assume its full strength immediately, but rather increases linearly from no strength to full strength in a given time span.

A QA contact can be described by the following data:

  • participating residues;

  • contact type: either backbone-backbone (bb), backbone-sidechain (bs, sb), a pair-type-specific version of the sidechain-sidechain (ss) contact. Thus, there are \(N^2+3\) different types of QA contacts, where \(N=20\) is the number of amino acid types;

  • status: whether a contact is saturating (i.e. increasing in or maintaining strength) or desaturating (i.e. decreasing in strength);

  • reference time: contact creation time if the contact is saturating, or contact breaking time if the contact is desaturating. Used for computing the saturation.

Formation criteria

A QA contact between two residues can be formed, if three criteria are satisfied:

Distance criterion

To each type of the contact type (as described above) is associated a distance \(r_{\textrm{min}}\). The distance between the residues must be lower than \(r_ {\textrm{min}}(1+\mathtt{formation\_tolerance})\) for the criterion to be satisfied.

Geometric criterion

We approximate the directions of the backbone hydrogen bond or the sidechain \(C_ \beta\) atom from the positions of three consecutive \(C_\alpha\) atoms. More specifically, for a consecutive triple, we may define:

\[\begin{split} \vec{n_2} = \frac{\vec{r_{23}} - \vec{r_{12}}}{|\vec{r_{23}} - \vec{r_ {12}}|}\\ \vec{h_2} = \frac{\vec{r_{23}} \times \vec{r_{12}}}{|\vec{r_{23}} \times \vec{r_{12}}|} \end{split}\]

which are vectors associated with the central site. The direction of the sidechain is approximately \(-\vec{n}\), and the direction of the hydrogen bond is \(\pm \vec{h}\). Based on these, we establish following criteria for the different types of contacts:

  • bb: \(|\cos(\vec{h_1}, \vec{r_{12}})|, |\cos(\vec{h_2}, \vec{r_{21}})| \geq \mathtt{min\_abs\_cos\_hr}\) and \(|\cos(\vec{h_1}, \vec{h_2})| > \mathtt{min\_abs\_cos\_hh}\);

  • bs: \(|\cos(\vec{h_1}, \vec{r_{12}})| \geq \mathtt{min\_abs\_cos\_hr}\) and \(\cos(\vec{n_2}, \vec{r_{21}}) < \mathtt{max\_cos\_nr}\);

  • sb: analogous to the bs case;

  • ss: \(\cos(\vec{n_1}, \vec{r_{12}}), \cos(\vec{n_2}, \vec{r_{21}}) < \mathtt{max\_cos\_nr}\).

where \(\cos(\vec{u}, \vec{v})\) denotes the cosine of the angle between the two vectors. In general, \(|\cos(\vec{h_i}, \vec{r_{ij}})| \geq \mathtt{min\_abs\_cos\_hr}\) is the criterion for the backbone of residue \(i\), and \(\cos(\vec{n_i}, \vec{r_{ij}}) < \mathtt{max\_cos\_nr}\) is the criterion for the sidechain of residue \(i\), the extra condition for the bb case notwithstanding.

Sync values criterion

With each residue are associated “sync values”, which are numbers which essentially track the remaining “slots” for the contacts, in effect limiting the number of contacts that can be formed. There are four such numbers:

  1. Backbone contact slots.

  2. Total sidechain contact slots.

  3. Sidechain contact slots for the polar residues.

  4. Sidechain contact slots for the hydrophobic residues.

The base values are amino acid-specific. The presence of this criterion is the cause for the split of pre-filtering the candidate contacts and processing them sequentially later, as the formation of a contact could reduce the sync values to such a state as to prevent the formation of another contact in another thread, which would cause the algorithm to be nondeterministic. Similarly, we cannot “just” remove the desaturated contacts, but must rather mark them first and remove them sequentially later.


The native contacts do not affect the sync values.

Force field

The residues in contact interact with a regular Lennard-Jones potential, unless sinking version of the ss-type contacts is turned on (see LJ variants section for more details), in which case it is used instead. This potential is then multiplied by a saturation factor, which increases from \(0\) to \(1\) in time span of \(\mathtt{phase\_duration}\) when the contact is formed, and from \(1\) to \(0\) when the contact is broken (in the same time span).


Time derivative of the saturation is assumed to be zero in the computation.

Breaking criterion

The only breaking criterion is for the distance between the residues to become greater than \(\mathtt{breaking\_factor} \cdot 2^{-1/6} r_{\textrm{min}}\).

Dynamic disulfide bonds

The procedure for the pairs of cysteines can be altered so as to simulate the formation of dynamic disulfide bonds. This is accomplied in two orthogonal ways:

  1. The formation and breaking criteria can be altered.

    • For a disulfide bond to be created between two cysteines, the following criteria must be satisfied:

      1. The usual criteria for an ss-type contact must be satisfied.

      2. The cysteines in question have not already formed disulfide bonds with other cysteines

      3. The sum of the number of neighbors (i.e. number of residues within \(\mathtt{neigh\_radius}\)) is smaller than \(\mathtt{max\_neigh\_count}\).

    • For a disulfide bond to be broken, following criteria must be satisfied:

      1. The distance \(d\) is such, that \(|d - \mathtt{def\_bond\_dist}| \geq \mathtt{max\_dist\_dev}\).

      2. The sum of the number of neighbors is smaller than \(\mathtt{max\_neigh\_count}\).

  2. The force can be altered, setting it either to be harmonic, or of a Lennard-Jones type.


At the moment, the neighbor counter only counts the “nonlocal” pairs.

Parameter file entry

# Parameters for the quasi-adiabatic potential.
  # Whether it's enabled.
  enabled: true

  # Time span of saturation/breaking of the contacts in a quasi-adiabatic
  # manner.
  phase duration: 10 tau

  # An extra buffer for the distance criterion during formation. More
  # specifically, the minimum distance becomes (1-[tolerance value]) * r_min
  # with r_min the value appropriate for the given residue-pair type.
  formation tolerance: 0

  # A set of values for the geometric criteria in the formation process, which
  # I don't describe here.
  min |cos(h, r)|: 0.92
  min |cos(h, h)| for bb: 0.75
  max cos(n, r): 0.5

  # Whether to include interactions between residues separated by three other
  # residues.
  include (i, i+4): true

  # Specs for the forces between the residues.
    variant: lj

    # Forces for contacts of the "backbone-backbone" type.
      lj params:
        depth: 1.0 eps
        r_min: 5.0 A

    # Forces for contacts of the "backbone-sidechain" (and vice versa) type.
      lj params:
        depth: 1.0 eps
        r_min: 6.8 A

    # Forces for contacts of the "sidechain-sidechain" (and vice versa) type.
      lj params:
          depth: 1.0 eps
        per pair:
          r_min: *ss_pairs_csv

  # Parameters for the dynamically-formed disulfide bonds. WARN: I'm not
  # precisely sure if it's 100% implemented correctly, to be completely
  # honest.
      variant: harmonic
      harmonic params:
        H1: 100 eps/A**2
        H2: 0 eps/A**4
        nat_r: 6.0 A
      lj params:
        depth: 4.0 eps
        r_min: 6.0 A
    special criteria:
      enabled: false
      max neigh count: 9
      neigh radius: 7.5 A
      def bond dist: 6.0 A
      max bond dist deviation: 0.1 A